The Benefits of Having a Greenhouse at a School

Schools have a significant role in shaping future generations, and part of this responsibility includes teaching children about sustainability, climate change, and the environment. One way to instill these values is through a school greenhouse, which provides numerous benefits for students, staff, and the broader community. In this article, we will explore the advantages of having a greenhouse at a school.

  1. Encourages Hands-on, Project-Based Learning

A school greenhouse provides a platform where students can engage in an experiential, project-based learning approach, which promotes critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. Activities may include planting and harvesting crops, testing different soil types, studying plant life cycles, and observing the effects of climate change. By engaging in such activities, students learn about sustainable agriculture and natural resource preservation, inspiring them to become environmental ambassadors.

  1. Promotes Healthy Eating Habits

Greenhouses enable schools to produce fresh and organic produce, providing the opportunity to teach students about the importance of healthy eating habits. By growing fruits, vegetables, and herbs in a greenhouse, students can experience the joys of consuming fresh produce and learn how food choices link to better health and well-being.

  1. Offers Opportunities for Community Engagement

School greenhouses also offer excellent opportunities for community engagement. They can be used for various events such as farmers markets or sustainable agriculture workshops, providing a platform to learn from various community members, such as farmers, chefs, and local food advocates. These collaborations provide students with exposure to different perspectives and encourage them to become eco-conscious citizens.

  1. Creates a Sustainable Learning Environment

Educational institutions play a crucial role in modeling the importance of sustainable practices. Greenhouses represent an excellent way for schools to become a part of the circular economy, by reusing and recycling resources. For example, composting can be done in the greenhouse reducing the amount of organic waste and providing a valuable source of nutrients for crops. The sustainable practices modeled by the school greenhouse can inspire students, staff, and the broader community to adopt eco-friendly habits, making the environment healthier and more sustainable.

  1. Provides a Respite from Traditional Classrooms

A greenhouse provides an alternative learning environment that helps break from typical classroom experiences. It provides a unique and peaceful space to learn, often with natural light, fresh air, and natural surroundings. For students that may struggle with traditional learning methods or suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety, the greenhouse can be a calm and serene environment to find solace, connect with nature, and learn at their pace.

In conclusion, a school greenhouse offers numerous benefits that enhance student’s educational experiences and broadens the school’s impact in the community. It provides opportunities for hands-on, project-based learning, promoting healthy eating habits, sustainable environmental practices, and more. It represents an excellent way to teach about the natural world, fostering eco-consciousness in the next generations. It is clear that the benefit of having a greenhouse kit in a school far outweighs the challenges, and schools should consider this investment for a brighter and sustainable future. 


Internet and Economic Globalization

The Internet is among the most impactful innovations, if not the most powerful, that have revolutionized life. It has been four decades since its inception, and since then it has been growing and expanding overlapping almost all aspects of our life. The magnitude of its impact is yet underestimated as today it is amalgamated with other advancements to make lasting impacts across all technological landscapes in the world. 

The Internet has been exceptionally impacting the economy. In mature economies, it contributes to more than 10% of GDP which is massive. In the US alone, it contributed $2.45 trillion of $21.18 trillion in GDP. It can, therefore, be estimated that the Internet has the potential to uplift economies exponentially. 

Economic Globalization

You might have heard about cultural globalization and political globalization, but economic globalization is fairly a new concept widely used in mainstream media, and by researchers, analysts, economist, and all those who study humanities and economy.

Economic globalization refers to the widespread international movement of commodities, including products, services, capital, ideas, and information. Today, people are interacting with each other, collaborating, selling and purchasing commodities, and building ties beyond borders. Gone are the days when a Hungarian could not sell his products to the US masses, as long as he had extensive resources to open a franchise in the state and do so. The sellers can sell their products without having to relocate to a new place. 

Role of the Internet in Economic Globalization

The Internet has served as a catalyst for globalization, and the web and technology have radically revolutionized globalization. It would not be wrong to say that the internet is the driving force for economic globalization. It is due to the internet that people are able to make purchases and sell. From opening a virtual store that can be approached globally to placing an order to tracking shipping and everything in between, every process that fosters economic globalization is backed by the internet. 

It is all attributed to the internet for enabling individual retailers and small businesses to sell their products and services, without having to open a physical store. They just need to create a website and social media pages and sell their products globally, anytime and anywhere. 

Moreover, freelancing which has become prevalent more than ever is all due to the internet. People from any pole of the world can sell their skills and can be hired by a buyer from another part of the world. It has become a prominent source for making quick and reasonable money. 

The Internet itself is becoming more powerful, making operations conducted through online, even faster. For example, with efficient and top-notch internet service, like Centutylink internet nothing is impossible. With this high-tier fiber internet, anyone can work online, make transactions, and handle projects impeccably. 

Pandemic- the Turning Point

During the global COVID-19 pandemic, the world was under lockdown and everyone was circumscribed to their homes. These were testing times, as all of us were battling our own fights, economically and mentally, let alone the health catastrophe. A number of employees were laid off and businesses drowned in the loss, leading to economic distress.

 At that point in time, the internet was the sole source of entertainment, escape, and income for some. Many new people joined social media and started their small business ventures right then. It is reported that the use of social media during the pandemic increased impressively. Since people were glued to their phones, TV, and computer screens, it was high time businesses of all scales expand their reach and leave an impact by selling their products and services and empathizing(a strong low-key factor for attracting the audience).

More importantly, one of the benefits the internet had during Covid 19 is causing economic resilience in the face of the pandemic. Many activities, such as schools, offices, and businesses remained functional and operated online which lead to less harm to the economy than it could been if everything was completely shut down. 

Significance of the Internet for Economy

  • Cheaper Transactions

The internet has eased daily practices, including transactions. It has the potential to transmit information quickly, conveniently, and affordably. Anyone, anywhere can buy products and hire services from the comfort of their home and make the payment online in a jiffy. 

  • Management Efficiency

The internet can optimize management efficiency across the economic sector. It has made it easier to handle and manage transactions and also oversee financial data. The applications built to manage finances secure your energy and resources while offering accurate insights into the data that help better manage and increase ROI.  

  • Increase Consumer Choice and Satisfaction

The internet has offered customers a wide selection of options to choose from, locally and globally. With more autonomous power to invest in whatever commodity, customers are most satisfied with the choices they make. The retailers are ensuring their online presence to be in the market and catering to their target audience. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, it can be said that the internet is a powerful tool that is yet to modify the normal practices in social, political, and economic structures. The impact of the internet on the economy, especially, is noteworthy. From providing opportunities for businesses to expand their outreach to offering a platform for individuals to sell commodities, to optimizing economic activities, in general, the internet has revolutionized everything. 

Should You Choose Business Loans Or Venture Capital For Your E-Commerce Business?

It is common for businesses to have cash flow problems, especially during the busy season or during the initial phases.

You can relieve some stress by using business capital, and you can check out financing for ecommerce as well. Venture capital and business loans are two common ways to raise money, but which is best for your business?

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of venture capital versus business loans:

  • Venture Capital

Venture capital investments can be great for many businesses. Usually, this option is for businesses with unpredictable cash flows and need more brand recognition. Therefore, it is common among entrepreneurs still in the opportunity stage.

Let’s say you have an established business and must fund daily expenses like purchase orders, equipment purchases, and employee salaries. If that is the case, you may have better options than venture capital lending. Venture capitalists typically invest in startups with long-term growth potential.

Advantages of Venture Capital

  • Venture capital loans do not constitute debt in the strictest sense of the word.
  • Venture capital funding does not require repayment of the funds received. You assign equity to your venture capital partner in exchange for funds, so it becomes a trade or a transaction when you receive the funds and assign equity to your partner.
  • You can have an existing business presence. 
  • Venture capitalists provide you with business expertise. Many venture capitalists consider themselves businesspeople with experience in the industry they want to invest. Venture capitalists can offer you expert advice and support as your business grows.

Disadvantages of Venture Capital

  • The business valuation you need will probably be high.
  • It does not matter if the return does not come in the form of traditional loan repayment; venture capitalists still want a good return. Early on in your business, it can be hard to prove a high valuation when you have yet to get off the ground.
  • Early equity investors expect your business to earn a gross internal return of 30%, so you must demonstrate the likelihood of its success before investing in your company.
  • Venture capitalists typically take some equity.
  • Venture capitalists can be selective in their investments. 
  • Business loans

Those businesses with established presences may be able to obtain funding through business loans. The type of funding you qualify for depends on your financial needs. However, business loans are more flexible than venture capital, making them an excellent choice for small businesses.

Advantages of Business Loans

  • You have more loan options – Finding options for a traditional or alternative business loan is common, so you are not limited to one type. Working capital loans and business lines of credit are two common business funding sources.
  • The loan is more flexible – Business loans may be used for any expense related to a business without restriction. A lender needs to differentiate between ordering products, paying vendors, keeping payroll up to date, and increasing marketing budgets.
  • You can keep your business equity – The lender expects interest as repayment for a business loan, so you do not give up valuable equity. Although you may have previously given up some equity in an established company, you should still retain a majority stake.

The disadvantages of business loans

  • An examination of your credit history may be required.
  • Traditionally, large banks require a credit check and may have rigorous credit requirements, requiring a high credit score for personal or business loans.
  • It will consider what your business has achieved in the past.

In some cases, business loans from larger, traditional banks require a successful track record, which could include several years of operation. You may have difficulty getting a loan if you are a new business but do not have the high valuation needed for venture capital.

It is vital to consider alternative funding options if you face these more stringent requirements from large, traditional banks. Many non-traditional business loans, such as working capital loans and business lines of credit, offer more flexibility on terms and rates, allowing for more manageable payments, and do not require collateral. Young businesses or businesses with imperfect credit are also typically approved at higher rates.

A non-traditional business loan is often an excellent option for growing businesses. If the stars align, you should weigh the costs and benefits of venture capital financing companies carefully. Finding an ideal funding source for your business is possible if you research business loans properly.


Seeing Clearly: The Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery for Students

Enhancing Academic Performance and Quality of Life

In recent years, the number of students opting for laser eye surgery has seen a significant increase. Laser eye surgery, also known as refractive surgery or LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis), is a popular and safe method to correct common vision problems, including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. The procedure has garnered attention for its potential to improve not only students’ quality of life but also their academic performance. 

Researchers attribute the high adoption rates of laser eye surgery with the high success rates associated with the procedure. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits that laser eye surgery offers students and delve into the history of how this cutting-edge technology has evolved over the years.

Improved Academic Performance

One of the most compelling benefits of laser eye surgery for students is the potential for enhanced academic performance. Good vision is vital for success in various aspects of education, from reading and writing to participating in sports and other extracurricular activities. By correcting vision impairments, laser eye surgery enables students to perform at their highest capacity, free from the distractions and limitations of glasses or contact lenses.

Increased Confidence and Independence

The transition from high school to college or university can be challenging, and for students with vision problems, the added burden of maintaining glasses or contact lenses can be overwhelming. Laser eye surgery offers students newfound confidence and independence by eliminating the need for corrective eyewear. This newfound self-assurance can translate into improved performance in both academic and social settings.

Cost-Effective Long-term Solution

While the initial cost of laser eye surgery may seem steep, it is important to consider the long-term savings. Over time, the expenses associated with glasses, contact lenses, and optometrist visits can add up, making laser eye surgery a more cost-effective solution for many students. Furthermore, many clinics offer financing options and student discounts, making the procedure more accessible to a wider range of students.

Improved Quality of Life

Laser eye surgery not only benefits students academically but also enhances their overall quality of life. With corrected vision, students can enjoy a more active lifestyle, participate in sports without the hassle of glasses or contact lenses, and experience a wider range of activities. Moreover, the surgery can provide a sense of freedom and confidence that carries over into every aspect of a student’s life.

The Evolution of Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery has come a long way since its early days. The first laser eye surgery was performed in the late 1980s, using a technique called photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). PRK used an excimer laser to reshape the cornea, improving vision by correcting the eye’s focusing abilities.

In the 1990s, the advent of LASIK revolutionized the field of laser eye surgery. The procedure involves creating a thin flap in the cornea, which is then lifted to expose the underlying tissue. The excimer laser is then used to reshape the cornea, and the flap is carefully repositioned. LASIK offers a faster recovery time and less discomfort than PRK, making it the preferred choice for many patients.

Over the years, advancements in technology have further refined laser eye surgery techniques. Wavefront-guided LASIK, for instance, uses computer imaging technology to create a detailed map of the eye, allowing for even more precise and personalized treatment. These ongoing innovations have made laser eye surgery safer, more effective, and more accessible than ever before.

In conclusion, laser eye surgery offers a multitude of benefits for students, from improved academic performance to enhanced quality of life. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even better outcomes and more accessible options for students looking to free themselves from the limitations of glasses and contact lenses.

EdTech Innovations to Watch Out for 2023

The world of education is constantly evolving, and technology is playing an increasingly important role in shaping it. In the past few years, we have seen a significant rise in the adoption of educational technology or EdTech, and the trend is only going to continue. As we look ahead to 2023, there are a number of exciting EdTech innovations that we expect to see. In this article, we will explore some of them.

But first, let us explain what is meant by EdTech. 

EdTech is a composition of education and technology. It refers to new technology used in classrooms to boost the interactivity and learning of students. Today, more and more educational institutions are focusing on technological implementations to make teaching and learning more effective and seamless.

It is important for teachers and students alike to leverage high-end technology to adapt to a technologically-driven world. And making a classroom rich in technological aspects is not possible with a high-end internet. To pace up with the fastest growing technology, it is significant for schools and other teaching and learning facilities to be backed with high-speed internet, such as that provided by Centurylink. It is reliable, ultra-fast, and guarantees uninterrupted internet round the clock.

Here are the EdTech innovations to look forward to in 2023:

  1. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Globally, virtual and augmented reality in the educational market is expected to grow up to US $19.6 billion in 2023 from US $9.3 billion in 2018. These stats authenticate the growing dominance of virtual and augmented reality in schools.

These are the two technologies that have been around for a while, but they are starting to gain traction in education. These technologies can provide students with immersive and interactive experiences that go beyond what traditional methods can offer. For example, students can explore historical landmarks or travel to distant planets, all from the comfort of their classroom.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

AI is all the buzz these days, and rightly so. This technology is all set to revolutionize education. For example, AI-powered chatbots can provide quick answers to students’ questions. Also, machine learning offers students more personalized learning experiences based on individual students’ needs. AI can also be used to assess student performance and provide instructors with real-time feedback on how to improve their teaching methods.

  1. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology has, surprisingly, scope in the educational sector; although it is associated with cryptocurrency and finance. Blockchain technology can be used to create secure digital transcripts that cannot be altered. This would make the process of transferring credits between schools and universities much easier and more efficient.

  1. Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning is a teaching method that uses technology to provide students with personalized learning experiences. It works by using algorithms to analyze student performance and provide them with customized lessons and activities that cater to their strengths and weaknesses. This can help students learn more effectively and at their own pace.

  1. Mobile Learning

Mobile learning has already taken over traditional learning. Students are increasingly using smartphones and tablets to access educational content. With the help of mobile learning apps, students can access educational resources anytime and anywhere making it easier to learn in a go.

  1. Collaborative Learning

After the COVID-19 pandemic, collaborative learning has become very popular in educational institutes. It was a time when teachers had no option but to teach virtually through collaborative tools. These platforms are specially designed to facilitate communication and interaction between students and teachers. These platforms have features, such as video conferencing, discussion forums, and chat rooms, allowing students to connect with each other and teachers in a more meaningful manner.

  1. Learning Analytics

Learning analytics is one of the most significant elements for improving learning and teaching strategies. Learning analytics refers to the use of data, on students’ learning patterns, to understand how students are learning and how they can be facilitated for improved learning. The data give insights into students’ preferred means of learning and the way they effectively grasp knowledge. It allows teachers to track students’ performance and provide on-time feedback and support.

  1. Gamification

Gamification has become an inclusive part of the classroom owing to its well-reception by the students. Gamification refers to the process of using game-like elements to make learning more engaging and fun. This can include things like badges, leaderboards, and rewards that better engage the students

Final Words

It goes without saying that EdTech innovations will keep expanding in the coming years. By embracing these technologies, we can create a more engaging and effective learning experience for students. As educators and students, it is important to stay up to date with these advancements and use them to their fullest potential.

Phenomenal Role of Mobile Apps in Education Industry You Didn’t Know

Role of Mobile Apps in Education Industry

Today, digital learning has become more relevant than ever before. According to the recent stats, the mobile app market is expected to be worth $32 billion in the next 4 years because of millennials’ increased use of smartphones and tablets.

Further, a recent study found that over 80% of users from 9th to 12th standard, 65% of 6th to 8th-grade students, and 45% of students from 3rd to 5th-grade use smartphones to get help in their studies. These numbers reflect the promising future of mobile technology in the education sector.

So, how will mobile app technology transform the sphere of education sectors? Continue reading to know everything about it.

7 Ways Mobile Apps Will Improve the Face of Education System

Below are the remarkable ways mobile apps enhance the process of the education system:

  1. Make The Learning Process Easier

One of the significant benefits of mobile apps in the education sector is that they will make learning easier for students. In the coming days, students can rely on more theoretical aspects for learning like practical stuff. The mobile learning apps like Udemy, Duolingo, and Unacedmy will play a significant role. Apps like these will enable the students to understand the concept more excitingly and engagingly.

The gamification feature of an app helps them with varied learning. In addition, the app will provide students with an authentic learning environment that simplifies their learning process and clarifies all their concepts.

  1. More Focus On Situational Learning

The future will be more based on situational learning than traditional learning. In situation learning, students can actively immerse themselves in an activity while using problem-solving skills to deal with day-to-day activities. This will help them have a deep understanding of their concept and learn things in a more precise way.

Every educational app development company believes that situational learning is the best way to make the students understand the whole concept as they emphasize relationships and interaction with others. This is the reason why they are investing in making situational learning apps. Some examples of such apps are Udemy, Duolingo, and Sololearn.

  1. Enable Seamless Communication

Apps like ‘Attendance’ and ‘TeacherKit’ have made it easier than ever for educators to keep track of student progress in areas like performance evaluation, grading, and attendance. Dropbox and Evernote are just two of the many apps that make working together between classes easier than ever.

Mobile apps will certainly revolutionize education in light of the data mentioned above and the increasing technological focus of the world. Instructor-student exchanges will be smoother and less time-consuming than ever before.

Further, with the help of cloud and mobile technology, students may easily share documents with their team while working on group tasks and participating in online conversations.

  1. Improve Remote Learning

Evidence suggests that online education will become the norm in today’s highly connected world. The increased availability of mobile phones has piqued students’ interest in education and encouraged them to pursue it outside the classroom. By incorporating mobile phones into the classroom, students can learn more efficiently and develop their technological skills whenever and wherever needed.

eLearning has emerged as the dominant method of education due to the ongoing nature of the learning process. Thanks to smartphones and the myriad of feature-oriented programs available, students may learn at their own pace and fully comprehend concepts from anywhere and any place.

  1. Enhance Student Engagement

The use of mobile apps in the classroom has the potential to increase students’ interest and participation. Books were once the primary source of knowledge for students, but they were often dull and time-consuming, making it difficult for pupils to retain the material they read.

However, the advent of mobile apps has streamlined the procedure and facilitated student learning. Undoubtedly, the future of education will be more exciting and engaging as the use of tablets and mobile devices has expanded dramatically.

The app’s multimedia features, including videos and audio recordings, may make it simpler to understand than the textbook. More than that, the software can enable pupils to study whenever and wherever they like.

Students can, for instance, rewind the video and watch it again at a more convenient time if they missed the lecture or were otherwise not in the right mental state to absorb the material. This allows them to come to the material with a clear head and take notes whenever it is most practical.

  1. Great Aid for Disabled Ones

Not every person is as fortunate as people living in an urban area. Some people are physically impaired and often have difficulty understanding and learning different concepts and improving other areas of their skills.

But, thanks to technology, now there are apps like Otismo, MentalUP, and ModMaths for people with disabilities that offer various educational materials to reach their potential and help them avoid feeling a lack of confidence.

These apps for learning disabilities will help them boost their cognitive abilities and enable them to fulfill all their dreams that they consider utopian. Also, improve the education sector where there will be no discrimination based on learning abilities.

  1. No More Waiting for Results

Students no longer submit their work for evaluation and anxiously await their grades or other outcomes. Now more than ever, teachers can deliver timely feedback to their pupils because of the widespread availability of mobile devices.

In turn, this is helpful for students since they may reflect on the immediate response they receive from their instructor and grow from their experiences. Feedback is more beneficial when given in real-time than when done later.

Final Words

In response to the growing global acceptance of innovation activities across disciplines, eLearning and online education businesses have grown to the point where they require an app interface.

If you have a university and startup that wants to make your course and eLearning module available on the go, a custom mobile app is a way to go. Creating a competitive, helpful, and amusing application that provides value to online learning and an edge over more conventional approaches requires ability.

Do you have any ideas for a learning app? Do you plan to create a novel, state-of-the-art mobile app for teaching and learning? If you require help or technical support developing an educational mobile app, connect with a reliable education app development company like Excellent Webworld.