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Children & Play Time

Gone are the days when children used to play various outdoor games and used to keep surroundings cheerful. Their cheering voices and running used to amuse so much and make even adults jealous to lose their childhood. Basically, it is very necessary for the kids to play and enjoy their days of childhood with help of outdoor games so as to keep their mind and body healthy and flexible. These days due to excessive pressure and hectic academic schedules students and kids have nearly forgotten their childhood. Their whole day either goes into completing the assignments or completing the homework. Let’s understand why children need their play time:

  • Many researches and studies have been conducted regarding playtime of the Why is it necessary to let kids have their play time, which in return states that it enhances the personality of a child emotionally, socially and physically. Even the school management of any school accepts this truth and imparts physical education and games in the curriculum on a necessary basis. School management ensures these days those kids will have ample number of physical activities and games to keep them cheerful apart from hectic learning schedules.
  • Playing games and physical activities keeps a child mentally healthy and sound because a continuous neurological growth keeps on happening in the body of that child. With the help of games students learn to make strategies, teamwork and execution of plans according to the rules of the games which develops their logical and critical thinking too.
  • Playing games makes kids socially friendly because they have to team up with other students and kids in the class due to which they keep on learning to adjust with other personalities and make balance with them so as to have healthy and beneficial relationships.
  • Sometimes it has been observed that parents are so busy with their careers that they don’t have time for their own kids and in this situation when a student comes home school, he/she stays alone and isolated which creates stress and depression in kids. Such kids manage their studies with education apps like a mobile teacher app because this mobile teacher app helps students manage their online learning properly but this loneliness many times makes kids mentally unstable and disturbed. This situation can be tackled in a beneficial way by indulging the kid into any physical games so that when the kids return home, he can give his left-over time to that game and can be the best by regular practice and can be happy as well.
  • Playing games develop critical and logical thinking among the students because when they follow the rules of the games and plan the game in order to win it, they make decisions, share their strategy, solve the problems in order to win and unknowingly use self-confidence to execute all these important parts of strong personality while playing the games. Hence playing games develops the personality of a child overall.
  • Children imitate their guardians and parents at home, they learn how to become responsible and how to fulfil responsibilities on them. All these traits they show on the field of games while playing and take care of their teammates and accomplish the goals of the team with full responsibility. They feel the sorrow and happiness of their whole team and give their best to accomplish the objectives regarding victory of the team.
  • One can’t teach anything forcibly to the children, but the best way to teach them is to connect the knowledge with their favourite thing in the world and that is games. Children learn from the experiences they go through the games. The victory and the defeat teach a lot of things such as failure is the first step to victory and having patience bear fruits of victory, one should never give up come what may and the trophy will surely be his prize etc. All such experiences children learn better when they go through these situations themselves.

Apart from everything parents and teachers can also make an unbreakable bond with the children by imparting games to their children, by playing with them and becoming children for a few minutes. This method brings parents and teachers close to the children, they begin to assume them as their own and share everything while playing and thus make a bond which is very essential and stro

The Importance of Investor Behavior in Market Correction and the Fear and Greed Cycle

Warren Buffet once wrote in a letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders that “Occasional outbreaks of those two super-contagious diseases, crypto fear and greed index, will forever occur in the investment community.” This letter was written in 1986, and to this date, fear and greed greatly affect financial markets. In fact, there is a saying on Wall Street that says, “Financial markets are driven by two powerful emotions, fear and greed.”

How greed affects asset prices and investor returns

Most investors who are still new to trading want to get a return on their investments as soon as possible. Bull markets present a lovely opportunity for investors to make profits within a short period of time. When asset prices are on a steady rise, investors want to keep investing more money in the said assets. As most investors know, stock prices follow the law of supply and demand. This means that the higher the demand (money) goes, the more the prices rise and profits grow. More profits present more greed. Investors who have the fear of missing out (FOMO) continue to invest more money to excessive levels. At extreme highs, the prices eventually crash. This means that investors who had bought at very high prices face huge losses when the market corrects.

How fear affects asset prices and investor returns

Bear markets (when asset prices are falling) are triggered by a slowing economy, among other factors. Generally, stock prices drop faster than their rice. This means that in 2 to three months, stock prices that have been rising in 2 to 3 years can be wiped out during bear markets. This can be due to several factors such as server crashes in bull markets, margin calls being triggered or fear. When prices start to fall drastically, investors fear that the prices will continue falling and therefore sell in panic. In a bear market, supply is high because most investors want to sell in panic. Panic sells lead to stock prices falling and when they fall to very low levels, the value of the said stocks becomes very attractive and the market eventually bottoms out.

Investor behavior in market correction

Investors only have control over their actions and not on the financial markets. As such, their reaction to the financial markets determines whether they incur losses or make profits from trading. When prices start falling, most investors are tempted to sell, but when the market value of your fund decreases, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you will face actual loss because the market value of the said fund may go up when the market recovers. Whether you make a profit from the fund you have invested entirely depends on your action, will you do nothing and wait for the market to recover, redeem your investment by closing your position, or think that the price will fall even further and wait for a buying opportunity.

The crypto fear and greed index can tell you when the investors are fearful, but it is almost impossible to time a bear market bottom. However, with the crypto fear and greed index, you have a better chance at making viable decisions because even though you do not have the perfect entries, buying a stock when the market is fearful will most likely earn you a significant profit.

New IB Economics Syllabus – What to expect

Are you looking forward to taking the IB Economics exams in 2022? Then you will need to be aware about the newest changes to the syllabus. The understanding you have on these changes will assist you to be ready for the exams and overcome struggles that would come on your way.

What are the new changes in IB Economics all about?

The IB Economics Syllabus remained unchanged for a duration of 9 years. However, it went through some significant changes in the recent past. That’s mainly because the existing IB Economics was quite out of date. Hence, some new content was added to the syllabus. You will need to understand that you are the guinea pigs who will be testing the new IB Economics syllabus. However, you don’t have to worry too much about anything as we will be sharing all details with related to the changes. Based on the information we share; you will be able to get through the exams with less hassle.

Addition of new units to the IB Economics syllabus

We can see the addition of some new units to the IB Economics syllabus. As you already know, the existing syllabus had four main units. You can still see those units, but there are some changes. You need to be aware of these changes before you go ahead with economics tuition.

  1. Introduction to Economics – It consists of 10 teaching hours that explains the basics of economics and the work done by economists.
  2. Microeconomics – It consists of 35 teaching hours, and covers some important concepts of economics, such as supply and demand, market failure, and government intervention.
  3. Macroeconomics – This part of the syllabus has 40 teaching hours, and it covers subjects such as demand side policies, objectives of macroeconomics, measures of economic activity, and supply side policies.
  4. The Global Economy – The final section contains 45 teaching hours, where you can learn about protectionism, international trade, balance of payments, exchange rates, and barriers to development.

Exams and IA Weighting

Another change that you need to keep in mind is that the IA commentaries now worth up to 30% of the grade. Moreover, Paper 1 will carry a weightage of 30% as well. Hence, the paper 2 will carry a weightage of 40%. As you can see, the weightage of paper 1 has reduced significantly in the new syllabus.

Changes to the HL Paper 3

The new IB Economics syllabus has introduced some changes to Paper 3 as well. You will not be able to find the usual format as per the new changes. In fact, the Paper 3 is now called a policy paper. You should provide answers to two compulsory questions in the paper. This paper would cover quantitative elements that you can find in the IB Economics syllabus. Hence, you should be good with explanations and definitions. In the last section of each question, you will be asked to provide a recommended policy for the situation provided.

Overall, the new IB Economics syllabus focuses more on sustainability. You can discover a large number of topics with related to sustainability. Exploring the relationship between poverty and sustainability, sustainable development goals, and the definition of sustainability are some of the lessons that you have to go through.

Final words

These are the most prominent changes that you can find in the new IB Economics syllabus. Keep these changes in mind when you are getting ready for the exam. Then you will not encounter any surprises.

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