What is the cheapest way to move your stuff?

Hardly anyone is spared from moving. For studying, for the dream job or Mr. or Mrs. Right, it can be necessary to leave the familiar environment. And although it is important to prepare emotionally for the new stage of life, the work involved in relocation should not be forgotten. Regardless of the distance, a great deal of time and effort must be expected to move one’s belongings to the new abode.

However, for many U.S. citizens, the cost factor is the main problem. In the following article, we would like to give you some tips and tricks to reduce the costs of moving.

Source: photo of Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/paar-schild-beziehung-haus-4246202/ (23.05.2022)

5 Tips for moving cheap

Regardless of whether you’re changing dorms, moving to a new city, or even changing states, moving is expensive! However, if you go about it with a plan, you’ll avoid unnecessary expenses and can invest the budget you gain wisely.

Moving boxes and packing supplies

If you buy moving boxes in supermarkets or specialized stores, you have to dig deep into your pockets. It is better to first ask around among friends and acquaintances. There may be people who have recently moved and still have some boxes to give away.  Some containers from your own household can also be perfectly transformed into moving boxes: Laundry baskets, pots, handbags and backpacks offer more space than expected.

Furthermore, it is a good idea to visit grocery stores, bookstores or hardware stores and ask if they have some boxes to give away. It doesn’t cost anything to ask! Some moving companies like Wichtelumzüge from Berlin deliver the moving boxes on request. Since the providers order the items in large quantities and thus benefit from a bulk discount, the boxes can be offered to customers cheaper than in the store.

Smart packing

The way you pack determines how many moving boxes are needed. A neat and tidy approach will save you money and labor. For example, there are countless life-hack videos available on the Internet that show you how to pack in the most effective way possible. With the right tricks, you save space and ultimately money.

Moving company

Hiring a moving company is very relaxing, but also costly. However, for students or unemployed people, there are special offers. The cost of the service is reduced for this target group to make the service affordable. Active members of the military can also claim un-reimbursed moving expenses on their tax returns.


Furthermore, it is a good idea to go through your own belongings piece by piece and clean them out. Hesitant action is not appropriate here, if a piece of clothing has not been worn for at least a year or an item has not been used or touched, it should be sorted out. Otherwise, you’ll be dragging legacy items into your new home and occupying much-needed storage space for nothing. The fewer things you have to move, the less work you’ll have to do and the lower the bill will be.

Help from friends and family

You don’t have to do it all yourself. Ask friends and family to help you pack and unpack your belongings. With lots of strong helpers by your side, the move will be a breeze and will be completed in a matter of hours. With energetic support, you also save on movers and may only need to rent a small van for transport.

At the end of moving day, surprise your helpers with a delicious meal to reward them for their hard work. Also, remember that one hand washes the other. If you are asked for a favor, don’t hesitate.


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