How do I start learning English?

Learning English is not easy. Many people spend years and still don’t reach the level they want. Fortunately, if you use the right techniques, you can greatly speed up the learning process! The specialists of the Promova application will help you to find the best learning method for each client. They will improve the quality of your English in the shortest possible time. We decided to tell you about a few of their methods of learning English. 

  • The method of imitating the speech of native speakers

First, decide what accent you want to speak with. Make sure that the audio comes with a transcript of the speech, and the video comes with subtitles. 

Next, structure your practice as follows:

  • First, just listen to the material to get the main idea. It is best to work with small video and audio clips of 2-3 minutes in length. Repeat the recording several times if necessary;
  • In the transcript or subtitles, find unfamiliar words or expressions and learn their meanings;
  • Listen to the speech, press pause and repeat what you hear;
  • Then try to repeat almost simultaneously with the speaker, this time trying to adopt the speech tempo, intonation and pauses as accurately as possible. Pay attention to the semantic accents and accents;
  • When you know the text almost by heart, repeat it simultaneously with the speaker. Don’t forget to add emotions and use your imagination! For example, imagine being cast in the same show
  • Practicing the language in your head

If you want to move quickly to the next level of the language, you should start thinking in it. We all like to have internal monologues when we spend time alone, why not do it in English? 

Start by translating your thoughts. It’s easiest to do this right after a class with a teacher or a conversation with your foreign friend, when the language constructions are still fresh in your mind. The method works best when we are thinking about upcoming cases or problems we encounter.

You can then have imaginary conversations with your friends in different situations on any topic. For example, when you go to the gym, in between exercises, think about how you would talk about your workouts to a native speaker friend if he or she went there with you.

Use English-English dictionaries, where word definitions are given using the most common vocabulary.

Also read first-person literature. Look for young adult (teenage) literature. Quite often these books are narrated in the first person. 

Some of the most famous examples are John Green’s Blame the Stars, Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight, and Susan Collins’ The Hunger Games. Watch how the characters formulate their thoughts (how they build sentences, what vocabulary they use) and take it from there when you describe events from your own life in your head. This approach will allow you to learn to think immediately in the language, rather than translate.

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